Sunday, March 27, 2011

坚持 ? ~ ×

“三年了。。。” 原本已尽力忍住的眼泪,却也还是溃堤了。


“有我开始的,就会由我结束。。。”这是她在比赛前说的。结果,现在,连一个辩词都没有机会说,她就得又再一次的去创造遗憾 。

“是你们自己的辩才不足吧~!”有些人这样说。 有眼睛与有脑的人,都知道是什么问题。但是,他已经不想再去解释。一切都还是这样,何必再去嚼嚼那早就烂掉了的悲伤。她难过,又怎样?赛果还是这样。每天早上醒来时,很想要发现原来这一些不幸也只是场梦罢了。但每天都很失望的,被迫去接受这就是事实。。。这种无法形容的难受,简直是。。。她妈的×××××× ~!


我不敢再说些什么”大家走着瞧!” 或是“ 他们不会好过的!”之类的狂言,因为我已经没有任何能力去兑现任何东西~只能依寞,然后还是一样~




p/s : 可能是我带赛~!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

What a lovely holiday ~ ×

Ok , im too lazy to update ~ because i got lots of things to do recently .(not really~^^)

Its the last day of holiday . Sad. I have to face my sucks result in the school very soon~ >. <
Last Sat and Sunday , went to a camp named " 豆浆油条” 。Its a great camp as i learnt a lots there ~What made this memory so special for me is , my talent in debate made me well known in the camp ,and thus got a high profile ~ Besides , everyone thought i was only form 4,form 3 or a few think im "already" form 5~!!! XD Such a great comments for me ~I cant forget their shocked expression when i revealed that im Upper 6 student . OMG ~ Thats such a great feeling ~! ^_^

Yay~! We are champion ~!!! =)

And then , a lot of debate discussion and practice ~ this will be a very super duper important competition for us ~ OMg ~freaking pressure now~ >.<

More info ,please refer to my Facebook la~! XD Happy last day of holiday ~!
Ciao ~!!!

Monday, March 7, 2011


I have used to my geli result since very long time ago , but this time ,its really CRAPS ~! >.< If its isnt the problem of the teacher ,then the reason must be my Intelligent have deteriorated ~!!!WTH ......

4/3 (Friday) - PA status - dead
7/3 (Monday) - Chemistry status - totally dead (in the way body be divided into 5 pieces )
8/3 (Tuesday ) - Math status - have surrendered and going to die very soon
9/3 (Wednesday) - Biology status - no more life to die GAME OVER ~ T_T

OMFG ~!!! Am i that geli ? haiz ... suan le ba ~ just see how bad am i tomorrow ~ =..=